September News No. 2

The death of Prince George, Duke of Kent 1942

This book will be released in October 2024 and can be pre-ordered via either the Pen & Sword books website or Amazon books. 

September News No. 1

The Death of Guy Gibson

This book is due to be released in the next few days. It can be purchased via the Pen & Sword Books website or Amazon books.

August 2024 news

I am pleased to announce The Death of Guy Gibson is available for pre-ordering from Amazon books & via Pen & Sword Books. At this moment in time Amazon are listing it with a publication date of the 30 October, but the actual date should be in September to coincide with the 80th anniversary of Gibson's death. 

The Death of Prince George, Duke of Kent 1942, is currently going through final preparation and should be published a few weeks after the Gibson book. 

I continue to work on a new book on RAF Intelligence for 2025, and this should be ready mid 2025.

June-July 2024

New ventures and news

I have been recently contacted by a gentleman who has obtained a number of images of Augustin Preucil's wedding in 1941 (see book: The Hurricane pilot who became a Gestapo agent). I am under taking some research as a result of these images and additional information and I will keep readers up to date in due course.

I have started work on a new book which should be published in 2025, detailing the RAF Intelligence system during the early war years. 

The Guy Gibson and Duke of Kent books are on course for a Sept/Oct 2024 release, the publishers doing what publishers do!


May 2024

Research under-way

After completing the Guy Gibson and Duke of Kent texts, I decided to take a short sabbatical before starting another book.

That break did not last long! I am now researching and gathering information, about the interrogation and collection of intelligence from German prisoners of war during WW2. 

I have already found a huge amount of information, some of it apparently previously unpublished and I have started translating German documents to expand the available trove of information.

There have been a number of books on the intelligence gleaned from German Generals and others concerning war crimes, but very little has been written about day to day interrogation and intelligence techniques. 

The research shall continue throughout this year and a book shall be published in early 2025.


April 2024 part 2

Review of the Hurricane Pilot who became a Gestapo Agent in Aeroplane Monthly magazine.

I was very pleased to see Aeroplane Monthly magazine review this book in their April 2024 edition. The book received a nice review and appears to have boosted sales. In addition, the book is to be released as a Czech language edition this year. 

April 2024

Pre-publication reviews in The Times newspaper for the Death of Prince George, Duke of Kent

It was great to be given a pre-publication review by Mike Merritt and Lizzie Roberts in The Times newspaper a few weeks ago. They gave the new book a great boost without going into too much detail. 

I did not disclose everything I have found when interviewed and some comments were passed on line that this book was mere speculation. What I would say to anyone who thinks this is a case of speculation is read the book - this is a detailed investigation and I uncovered some disturbing facts. I think most people will be surprised when they read this book.

March 2024

Three books due out this year!

I am very pleased to say that three of my books will be published this year by Pen & Sword books.

At the end of April 2024 Hitler RAF Collaborators shall be released (see the other pages for details).

During the summer, The Death of Prince George the Duke of Kent 1942 and The Death of Guy Gibson shall be released. The Gibson book shall hopefully be released in time for the 80th anniversary of his death on 19th September and the other book in October.

Both books examine the circumstances, the build up to their deaths and the possible causes, examining the witness and technical evidence in each case. 

February 2024

The Death of Prince George, Duke of Kent

I am pleased to announce that my new book examining the death of Prince George, The Duke of Kent in August 1942 will be published later this year by Pen & Sword Books.

I have spent many months tracking down a wide range of evidence, some of which I do not believe has ever been considered before. 

The crash near Dunbeath in Caithness, Scotland is one that has been examined many times by conspiracy theorists, but I believe my new evidence based conclusions, dismiss those conspiracies while identifying other contentious issues. 

The book has already stimulated a fair amount of media attention north of the border, with a number of newspapers covering the forth-coming book. 

As soon as I have a release date I shall let everyone know.

January 2024 
A Happy New Year!

A new book on Guy Gibson & my latest news

I am pleased to say that the book concerning a mysterious RAF air crash in WW2 is now complete and with Pen & Swords editors. 

I hope to announce the title and its content in the next couple of months togethor with its cover design. I believe it is quite a read and will ask some uncomfortable questions!

I am also currently writing a book to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the death of Guy Gibson in September this year.....more on that in a few weeks time.

December 2023

Hitler's RAF Collaborators cover completed, ready for final proofs and printing. Publication due Spring 2024.

The book Liverpool Blitz (Bomben auf Liverpool) is underway and may take a number of months to complete. As this is currently not a contracted piece of work, I have to give precedence to the current contracts with Pen & Sword books, but I will endeavour to complete it next year.

The great news is that Angels and Bogeys is now live on Amazon books and I have received the first 5 star review. 

In addition, The Hurricane pilot who became a Gestapo agent is also selling on a variety of book shop platforms, including via Pen & Sword. 


November 2023

New books updates

I have almost completed the text for the new book detailing the mysterious crash in WW2. I expect this will go to my publishers editors at the end of this month, while I complete the final images section into 2024 when the book should be published. 

Once a publication date is set, I will announce the book title and the subject in more detail. I have some new and contencious leads in my re-investigation, hence the reason I cannot reveal the subject matter at this time!

Hitler's RAF collaborators is now going through final proofs and a cover is being designed. Hopefully this will be released at the start of 2024.

Angel & Bogeys is now on sale via Amazon books.

I am now revisiting a new text called The Liverpool Blitz (Bomben auf Liverpool) which I started researching earlier in the year. I hope to start writing, before the end of 2023. 

October 2023

Update on new book

The image opposite will one of a number used to illustrate a book  due to be released in 2024, detailing the loss of a RAF aircraft during WW2. The incident which has held a mystery for over 80 years now, has been the subject of detailed re-investigation and I believe it reveals a new out-come. It is for this reason that I will not announce the full subject details, until the book is ready for publication. I believe some of the information I have uncovered has laid hidden since the war.

The book Angels & Bogeys detailing UFO/UAPs on RAF radar will be published later this month, while The Hurricane Pilot who stole a Hurricane, will be published by Pen & Sword books on the 30/10/2023.

Finally, the completed text for Hitler's RAF Collaborators is now through its editing and first proof stage. I expect publication in January 2024.


September 2023

New books

I am please to say that a new book on UAP/UFO in British airspace called Angels & Bogies is due to be published on Amazon next month.

The book will look at UAP on military radar, before moving on to examine why the British military and civil aviation authorities, as well as politicians, are so reluctant to talk about the issue. I have spent a great deal of time challenging these people in a bid to get to the bottom of it.

The book also covers a number of previously unrecorded sightings in Scotland, Cumbria and the West of England. All three witnesses approached me to give their accounts after reading my earlier books.

It has taken over a year to research and write, asking some difficult questions which the authorities appear reluctant to answer, even when challenged with the apparent openness on the issue in the United States. 

After so many great reviews for my either books on UAP/UFO, I hope this will be an enjoyable sequel and will take readers to the next level as far as the UK and UAP are concerned.

Last month I mentioned a new project, which will look at a second world war air mystery. That book is now well underway and I am pleased to say I have discovered some new evidence which I hope will be very enlightening in finally suggesting the real cause of the mystery.


August 2023

I am pleased to announce that Pen & Sword will be publishing the Hurricane pilot who became a Gestapo agent on the 30th October 2023 (see Current books page for more details).

In addition, their editors are currently reviewing the text for the RAF Collaborators book which I hope will be published in early 2024.

I am currently completing my research for a new book which will examine an infamous military air crash, one that had long been considered a cover up by the authorities. I have after many months of research, spoken to a number of sources and inspected various reports which I believe now indicate this was a cover up, but not for the reasons always suspected. 

I hope to have completed the text by the end of this year, when Pen & Sword will edit it. I hope to announce more detail in the coming months.  

The UAP book, Angels & Bogies and the UK authorities reluctance to explain, will I hope be on Amazon (self-published) this autumn.

July 2023


I am pleased to announce that the Hurricane Pilot who became a Gestapo Agent, is now with the printers and on course for an autumn release.

In addition, my latest text - Hitlers RAF Collaborators is now with Pen & Sword books awaiting editorial review.

I am now working on two new books, one on the Liverpool Blitz (Bomben auf Liverpool) and another on an subject which has been subject to debate and mystery for over 80 years. I do not wish to divulge too much, but it will be an indepth review of an aviation disaster and the evidence. As a former police senior investigating officer, I will be reviewing the evidence as if it were a murder review case.

June 2023

Update on new books

I am very pleased to announce that the editing of 'The Hurricane pilot who became a Gestapo agent' has been completed and the book is now under-going type and print setting. I await a release date from Pen & Sword books, but I will announce it asap.

I have almost finished my latest text for Pen & Sword books which is an account of RAF prisoners of war, alleged to have collaborated with the Nazi regime from 1939-1945. The book concentrates on 14 individuals and tells each man's story and how in many cases, they were linked to one another. 

Some of the men were brought to justice post-war for assisting in POW interrogations, making radio propaganda and even joining the Waffen SS. Like fellow RAF pilot Augustine Preucil, who stole a Hurricane and became a Gestapo agent, its an amazing and relatively unknown story. 

May 2023

Great news with Pen & Sword books creating a fantastic proto-type cover for the new book, 'The Hurricane Pilot Who Became A Gestapo Agent', due out in time for Christmas 2023. No prizes who those of you who spotted the error in my initials - it will be changed in time for the publication!

Hats off to their team for this excellent piece of work...

I am also about half way through my next work which will investigate about 14 RAF prisoner of war collaborators during WW2 in Germany. The book will use a variety of documents to detail their allegedly treacherous actions from 1940-1945. I will give an update asap.

April 2023


I have just returned from Prague where I took a large number of images which will be used to illustrate the forth-coming book 'The Hurricane Pilot who became a Gestapo Agent'. The book will contain a high number of old and recent illustrations when published later this year by Pen & Sword Books.

March 2023

Pen & Sword Books

After years of writing and perfecting my craft, I am very pleased and proud to announce, that I have signed a contract with the renowned publishers - Pen & Sword Books.

They have accepted my latest book on the Czech traitor Augustin Preucil and they hope to have it on sale by the winter of this year.

In addition, I have now been commissioned to write a new text on the RAF prisoners of war who collaborated with the Third Reich.

I will keep readers updated.....




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